It's Possible to Have Great Meetings - Here are the 3 Things You Need

The meetings we find most wasteful, typically involve one person talking at a larger group of people, for long amounts of time.

The great meetings, the ones where we leave feeling more accomplished than we anticipated, have three things in common…

Progress - A decision or two is made, ideas are generated.

Participation - No participant is a bystander.

Plan - We know what needs to get done next.

You can call this The 3Ps of Great Meetings.

Not every meeting is destined for greatness, but if you look at your calendar today, how many of them have even one P?

Try this: Copy and paste the following into the description of the next meeting you’re leading and answer the questions:


What progress do you hope to make?


What kind of participation are you going to need?


What should happen next as a result of this meeting? (This can be modified as the meeting unfolds)

Adam Allred